Seizure Alert Dogs

Service Dog
Seizure Alert Dogs
Seizure alert dogs are a controversial type of service dog who react with a specific type of behavior right before their human has a seizure. The ability to alert to seizures seems to be a natural ability for a small number of dogs, although some neurology experts say there is no reliable evidence to suggest dogs can reliably predict seizures.
May or may not show signs of a disability.

No distinguishing gear is required, however the dog will normally stay with their handler, and alert them ahead of time giving them the opportunity to lay down, and the dog to apply pressure if needed.
Some epilepsy organizations, like BC Epilepsy Society, state that it is not possible for dogs to be trained to alert for seizures.
Some dogs training agencies such as UK based Support for Dogs, and 4 Paws for Ability in the USA, say it is possible to train a dog to alert.
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