Phase #2 Canine Good Citizen® The 11 Tests
Before taking the Canine Good Citizen Test, Katie will sign the Responsible Dog Owners Pledge. The CGC Concept allows Katie to agree to take care of Noxs’ health needs, safety, exercise (with help of course), training, and quality of life. Katie also will take care of Nox in public spaces, and never letting Noxs’ rights infringe on the rights of others. After signing the pledge, Nox and Katie will take the CGC test which includes:
Test 1: Accepting a Friendly Stranger

This will show that Nox will allow a friendly stranger to approach, and speak to Katie, and have a conversation like in an every day situation and handle himself in a natural friendly manner. The test examiner will ignore Nox, shake Katie’s hand and exchange pleasantries, and Nox must not show resentment or shyness.
Test 2: Sitting Politely for Petting 
This will show that Nox will also allow a friendly stranger to touch him while he’s out with Katie. With Nox sitting by Katie’s side, the test examiner will pet Nox’s head, and body. Katie is allowed to speak to Nox throughout this process. Nox can stand in place while being petted, but can not show shyness or resentment.

This will show that Nox will also allow a friendly stranger to touch him while he’s out with Katie. With Nox sitting by Katie’s side, the test examiner will pet Nox’s head, and body. Katie is allowed to speak to Nox throughout this process. Nox can stand in place while being petted, but can not show shyness or resentment.
Test 3: Appearance & Grooming 
This is simply to show that Nox will willingly welcome being groomed and examined, and will allow someone such as a veterinarian, groomer, trainer, or friend of the owner to do so. This will also show Katie’s care, concern, and responsibility for her pup. The examiner will inspect if Nox is clean, groomed, and in healthy condition (ie proper weight, and alert etc) Katie should be able to provide a brush (that’s commonly used for Nox) and have the examiner brush, examine ears, and pick up each foot, without Nox showing resentment. It is not necessary for Nox to maintain a specific position for this process, and Katie can give praise and talk to Nox throughout.

This is simply to show that Nox will willingly welcome being groomed and examined, and will allow someone such as a veterinarian, groomer, trainer, or friend of the owner to do so. This will also show Katie’s care, concern, and responsibility for her pup. The examiner will inspect if Nox is clean, groomed, and in healthy condition (ie proper weight, and alert etc) Katie should be able to provide a brush (that’s commonly used for Nox) and have the examiner brush, examine ears, and pick up each foot, without Nox showing resentment. It is not necessary for Nox to maintain a specific position for this process, and Katie can give praise and talk to Nox throughout.
Test 4: Out for a Walk (Walking on a Loose Lead 
This demonstrates Katie’s control of Nox. Nox, can be on either side of Katie and the Noxs’ position should leave no doubt that he is attentive to Katie and responding to her movements, and change of direction. Nox, does not need to sit, when Katie stands still. The evaluator can use a pre-planned course, or may direct Katie on what to do, and Nox should follow suit with instructions/ commands. In either case, there should be a right turn, left turn, and a roundabout turn with one stop in between and another stop at the end. Katie may talk with Nox in a normal tone of voice. More on Leash Training.

This demonstrates Katie’s control of Nox. Nox, can be on either side of Katie and the Noxs’ position should leave no doubt that he is attentive to Katie and responding to her movements, and change of direction. Nox, does not need to sit, when Katie stands still. The evaluator can use a pre-planned course, or may direct Katie on what to do, and Nox should follow suit with instructions/ commands. In either case, there should be a right turn, left turn, and a roundabout turn with one stop in between and another stop at the end. Katie may talk with Nox in a normal tone of voice. More on Leash Training.
Test 5: Walking through a Crowd 

This will show that Nox can move through a crowd in a polite manner, in pedestrian traffic and is under control in public spaces. Nox and Katie walk around and pass close to several people (at least 3). Nox can show some interest in the strangers but should continue to walk with the handler, without evidence of over-exuberance, shyness, or resentment. Katie may talk to Nox throughout this process but Nox should not jump on people in the crowd or strain on the leash.
Test 6: Sit & Down on
Command & Staying in Place
This demonstrates that Nox has had training, and will respond to Katie’s commands to sit, down and will remain in place when commanded. Nox must do these when commanded. Prior to this test Noxs’ leash will be replaced with a line that’s 20 feet long. Katie may make a reasonable amount of time and use more than one command to have Nox sit, then lay down. The examiner must determined in Nox has obeyed Katie’s commands. Katie can not force Nox into a position, but may touch him to offer gentle guidance. When instructed by the examiner Katie will tell Nox to stay, walks forward the length of the line, turns, and returns to Nox, at a natural pace. Nox must remain in place when left (he can choose to lie down or change position) until the examiner instructs Katie to release the dog (allow to move).
Command & Staying in Place

This demonstrates that Nox has had training, and will respond to Katie’s commands to sit, down and will remain in place when commanded. Nox must do these when commanded. Prior to this test Noxs’ leash will be replaced with a line that’s 20 feet long. Katie may make a reasonable amount of time and use more than one command to have Nox sit, then lay down. The examiner must determined in Nox has obeyed Katie’s commands. Katie can not force Nox into a position, but may touch him to offer gentle guidance. When instructed by the examiner Katie will tell Nox to stay, walks forward the length of the line, turns, and returns to Nox, at a natural pace. Nox must remain in place when left (he can choose to lie down or change position) until the examiner instructs Katie to release the dog (allow to move).
Test 7: Coming When Called 
This will also demonstrate the obedience in commands by coming to Katie when called. Katie will walk 10 feet from Nox, turn, face Nox, and call him to her. Katie can use encouragement to get Nox to come to her. Katie can choose tell Nox to “sit” or “stay” or simply walk away giving no instructions to him.

This will also demonstrate the obedience in commands by coming to Katie when called. Katie will walk 10 feet from Nox, turn, face Nox, and call him to her. Katie can use encouragement to get Nox to come to her. Katie can choose tell Nox to “sit” or “stay” or simply walk away giving no instructions to him.
Test 8: Reaction to Another Dog 

This will show that Nox can be well behaved and act politely around other dogs. Two other handlers and their dogs will approach each other from a distance of about 20 feet, stop, owners will shake hands and exchange pleasantries, and continue on for about 10 feet. Each dog should show now more than casual interest in each other, neither should go to the other dog/handler.
This will show that Nox is confident at all times when faced with common distractions/ distracting situations. The examiner will select and present two distractions (ie dropping a chair, rolling a crate dolly past the dog, having a jogger run in front of the dog, dropping a crutch or cane.) Nox can express a natural interest, curiosity, and or may appear to be slightly startled but should not panic, try to run away, show aggression, or bark. Katie can talk to Nox and encourage or praise throughout this process.
Test 10: Supervised Separation 

This demonstrates that Nox can be left with a trusted person, if necessary, and will maintain training and proper manners. Examiners are encourages to say something like “Would you like me to watch your dog?” and then take hold of the leash/ lead. Katie will be out of sight for 3 minutes, and Nox does not have to stay in position, but should not continually bark, whine, or pace unnecessarily or show anything stronger than mild agitation or nervousness. Evaluators can talk to Nox but should not engage in excessive talking, petting, or management attempts (ie “there, there, it’s alright.”) Examples on Training To Stay, and Equipment To Use During Training
Test 11: Socialization Exam

Familiarization of surfaces, animals, equipment, smells, things, people, events, places and sounds. Important Considerations Before Beginning Never, ever put a vest on a dog or claim it as a Service Dog in Training that is still displaying any behavior issues that would be eliminated during basic training — including leash pulling, inappropriate sniffing, etc. There are plenty of opportunities to socialize a dog in public at pet stores which allow animals, public parks and other areas which allow dogs. Remember, your behavior and that of your dog not only effects you but other Service Dog teams as well.
Owners/handlers may use praise and encouragement throughout the test. The owner may pet the dog between exercises. Food and treats are not permitted during testing, nor is the use of toys, squeaky toys, etc. to get the dog to do something. We recognize that food and toys may provide valuable reinforcement or encouragement during the training process but these items should not be used during the test. Any dog that eliminates during testing must be marked failed. The only exception to this rule is that elimination is allowable in test Item 10, but only when test Item 10 is held outdoors. Any dog that growls, snaps, bites, attacks, or attempts to attack a person or another dog is not a good citizen and must be dismissed from the test.
Owners/handlers may use praise and encouragement throughout the test. The owner may pet the dog between exercises. Food and treats are not permitted during testing, nor is the use of toys, squeaky toys, etc. to get the dog to do something. We recognize that food and toys may provide valuable reinforcement or encouragement during the training process but these items should not be used during the test. Any dog that eliminates during testing must be marked failed. The only exception to this rule is that elimination is allowable in test Item 10, but only when test Item 10 is held outdoors. Any dog that growls, snaps, bites, attacks, or attempts to attack a person or another dog is not a good citizen and must be dismissed from the test.
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